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Astroloba, Gasteria, Haworthia, Haworthiopsis and Tulista Price List

Welcome to Leopoort Succulents, your ultimate destination for Haworthia and our other exquisite botanical treasures.

Discover the beauty of Haworthia alongside a curated collection that showcases rare varieties and beloved classics. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to the world of succulents, Leopoort Succulents is your gateway to a botanical paradise.

But that's not all – immerse yourself in the excitement of our exclusive auctions, where you can bid on exceptional specimens and elevate your collection to new heights. With prices listed in US dollars, securing your favorite Haworthia and other botanical gems has never been easier or more accessible.

Join us at Leopoort Succulents and embark on a journey of botanical wonder. Shop now and indulge in the extraordinary world of succulents and more. All prices are in US $, South African buyers can enquire for exchange rate to ZAR.

We only send direct airfreight or DHL. DHL will only deliver plants in Germany, USA, Hong Kong, South Korea. USA and Hong Kong require import permits (yes Hong Kong also). All countries require phytosanitary certificates. If your country is not on this list, please require at yout local DHL. Japan and Taiwan only airfreight to international airport. Airfreight is $ 250 and more. For that price you can do 10 kg ??? UK we can send mailwise with Royal Mail. Usually works but no tracking. Client takes the risk here.

Minimum order $ 400

NamePriceOriginCultivated ByClick Image For More Info Quantity to Order
Gasteria cultivar M111022A 20 Vegetative - original material G Marx 1960 Gasteria cultivar  M111022A
Haworthia 'Amadeus' 7 Vegetative propagation 1959
Haworthia 'Aleonor' 12 Vegetative propagation 1958
Haworthia sp nova aff atrofusca ' Morning Star S/ Heidelberg GM686 8 Ex G Marx vegetatively 1961 Haworthia aff atrofusca Morning Star -  Oudtshoorn
Haworthia bobii EB - PL 1 10 Vegetative propagation Created by: 1963 Haworthia bobii EB - PL 1
Haworthia calcarea - De Hoop nature reserve 5 Ex G Marx seedling 1965  border=
Haworthia chromutica - GM 393 ESE Heidelberg (mutica var nigra) 7 Vegetative 1965 Haworthia chromutica -  GM 393 2 km ESE Heidelberg alt Haworthia mutica var nigra
Haworthia mutica 'Drew White Clone 1'(GMS) 40 Gerhard Marx - vegetatively 1967 Haworthia mutica
Haworthia 'Emile's Giant' 8 Vegetative 1968 Haworthia
Haworthia groenewaldii - M101020 60 Vegetative propagation 1969 Haworthia groenewaldii - M101020
Haworthia 'Incarose' (GMS) (Slow growing) 7 Ex Japan ( Vegetative propagation) Created by: Unknown . 1970  Haworthia
Haworthia ligo n.n. - East of Albertinia 15 Vegetatively 1986 Haworthia ligo n.n. - West of Albertinia
Haworthia 'Lomun' (GMS) 40 Vegetatively 1971 Haworthia
Haworthia 'Manchado' 18 Vegetatively 1987 Haworthia
Haworthia 'Lee Miller'(GMS) 40 Gerhard Marx 1985 Haworthia
Haworthia 'M04071808' - Bev's Wonder Series' 3.2 Vegetatively Created by: Gerhard Marx HaworthiaGems Haworthia
Haworthia mucronata - Buffelsdrift east of Ladismith VDV20170203A 9 Vegetative propagation HaworthiaGems Haworthia mucronata - Buffelsdrift east of Ladismith
Haworthia 'Nexor'(GMS) 30 Horticultural Hybrid - Vegetative propagation Created by: Gerhard Marx 1980 Haworthia
Haworthia 'Penelope' 10 Vegetative propagation HaworthiaGems Haworthia
Haworthia pringlei - Ripon Station 3 Vegetative propagation HaworthiaGems Haworthia pringlei
Haworthia retusa - Riversdale graveyard 10 Vegetative propagation HaworthiaGems Haworthia retusa - Riversdale graveyard
Haworthia 'Scott Mcdermott' - Original (GMS) 25 Vegetative 1972 Haworthia
Haworthia 'Silver Spurs' - M220121A (Limited) 7 Vegetative HaworthiaGems Haworthia
Haworthia specksii 'Maxi 1' - Pallotti Farm near Queenstown 10 Vegetative propagation 1984 Haworthia specksii 10 cm - Pallotti Farm near Queenstown
Haworthia splendens GM 452 'Toffee' series M030723 20 Vegetatively plant Ex G Marx Haworthiagems Haworthia splendens GM 452
Haworthia splendens - 'Latafolia' Previous "Czar" 15 Vegetative 1992 Haworthia splendens -
Haworthia splendens - M140320 'Black Splendens' 15 Vegetative propagation 1973 Haworthia splendens - M140320
Haworthia splendens - Deb2 GM 452 (GMS) (Limited) 15 Vegetatively Ex G Marx 1974 Haworthia splendens - Deb2 GM452
Haworthia splendens var masai - GM 447 Snijmanskraal 'Platinum White 034'(GMS) 35 Vegetative propagation 1975 Haworthia splendens var masai - GM 447
Haworthia springbokvlakensis - Middelwater 'M080322A' 15 Vegetatively 1991 Haworthia springbokvlakensis - Middelwater
Haworthia truncata - Dysselsdorp Super Clone 'Brillant' 10 Offset 1993 Haworthia truncata Brillant
Haworthia 'Venus' (GMS) 45 Vegetative 1976 Haworthia ?Venus?
Haworthia 'Ukukhanya' 18 Vegetative 1989 Haworthia
Haworthia YH080222 - Ex Yu Hanai (GMS) 15 Seed 1977 Haworthia YH080222 - Ex Yu Hanai
Haworthia ' YH110904' (GMS) 15 Vegetative propagation Created by: Mr. Yu Hanai (Japan) 1990 Haworthia
Haworthiopsis 'Limcrock' (GMS) 30 Vegetative propagation 1978 Haworthiopsis
Haworthiopsis mcmurtryii - GM 683 (GMS) 60 Vegetative 1981 Haworthiopsis mcmurtryii - GM 683
Tulista 'Rossa' - Ex Bob Kent (GMS) 35 Vegetative propagation 1979 Alona Rosie (the Riveter)